Tag Archives: Amazon

Kindle Unlimited, Unlocking the Value of Non-Fiction


Kindle Unlimited is a new subscription service offered by Amazon. With Kindle Unlimited, customers can read as many books as they like and keep them as long as they want for a monthly subscription fee currently $9.99.

Authors receive a share of a share of the KDP Select Global Fund once a customer reads more than 10%, or a Kindle Owners’ Lending Library customer downloads their book.

What does this mean for the writers of non-fiction? Continue reading

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Converting Rank to Units Sold


When authors do market research for their book they often look at similar books to see how they are doing in the market. However, Amazon doesn’t post unit book sales figures. At most, they provide the overall ranking of a book. This blog provides a table that can be used to estimate the daily sales based on a book’s overall rank. Continue reading

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Oliver Dingle-Mouse: Business Mouse

Business-Mouse (Cover)I just published my chapter book Oliver Dingle-Mouse: Business Mouse. It is available in both ebook and paperback formats from Amazon. For the next 3 days as a free ebook download, so take this opportunity to download it (and tell your friends) from Amazon.

Story Synopsis

Oliver Dingle-Mouse has found what he has been looking for in Mr. Rat’s junkyard, a piano. There is only one problem, he doesn’t have any money to buy it. Mr. Rat talks the little mouse into setting up a farming business to earn the money to buy the piano. To make a profit, Oliver enters into partnership with his friends Dianna and Timmy Goo-Cheese and learns what it takes to run a business. Continue reading

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