Category Archives: Uncategorized

One-Liner Wednessdays — A bridge on the road less traveled

A bridge on the road less traveled.


Ever wonder where the road less taken goes. Me too, but I would think that this path was made by people who built bridges. Continue reading


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One-Liner Wednessdays — The Ladder

It is not where you are on the ladder that counts, it’s just being on the ladder that’s important.

Cats on Ladder #2


This is a photo of The Boys, Sherlock and Theodore taken a few years ago. Sherlock has always been the top cat and Theodore, his brother, has been his sidekick.



One Liner Wednesdays

1linerwedsbadgewesOne-Liner Wednesday is hosted by Linda Hill. Visit her blog and see the rules and to visit the pingback and links from the other participants. #1linerWeds


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One-Liner Wednessdays

An old worn tool that is still in daily service, is a tribute to its usefulness and the craftsmanship of its maker.



I was in my woodworking shop the other day and I noticed the plane that I had been using for years. When it came to me from my father it had a cracked handled, but after 30 years it still does the job.



One Liner Wednesdays

1linerwedsbadgewesOne-Liner Wednesday is hosted by Linda Hill. Visit her blog and see the rules and to visit the pingback and links from the other participants. #1linerWeds


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A Story of Newfoundland Screech Rum


Screech CoverThe corporal standing next to the jeep saluted. “An early night, Colonel?”

I wave my hand. “Damn proprietor was watering down the whiskey and now he has the audacity to close.”

“Tis Sunday morning,” replied Pierre Benoit, a Newfoundlander who Uncle Sam had contracted to build the airfield at Stephenville. “He can’t serve drinks on a Sunday.”

“Is that true, corporal?”
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Kindle Unlimited, Unlocking the Value of Non-Fiction


Kindle Unlimited is a new subscription service offered by Amazon. With Kindle Unlimited, customers can read as many books as they like and keep them as long as they want for a monthly subscription fee currently $9.99.

Authors receive a share of a share of the KDP Select Global Fund once a customer reads more than 10%, or a Kindle Owners’ Lending Library customer downloads their book.

What does this mean for the writers of non-fiction? Continue reading

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Converting Rank to Units Sold


When authors do market research for their book they often look at similar books to see how they are doing in the market. However, Amazon doesn’t post unit book sales figures. At most, they provide the overall ranking of a book. This blog provides a table that can be used to estimate the daily sales based on a book’s overall rank. Continue reading

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