One-Liner Wednessdays — A bridge on the road less traveled

A bridge on the road less traveled.


Ever wonder where the road less taken goes. Me too, but I would think that this path was made by people who built bridges.

This is a photo of the bridge I help to build 30 years ago so that we could access the wood behind the cabin. It crosses a small brook where I played with my cousins as a child. As men, my cousins and I logged the forest and haul out logs over this bridge to my uncle’s sawmill.


One Liner Wednesdays

1linerwedsbadgewesOne-Liner Wednesday is hosted by Linda Hill. Visit her blog and see the rules and to visit the pingback and links from the other participants. #1linerWeds



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3 responses to “One-Liner Wednessdays — A bridge on the road less traveled

  1. That’s a nice piece of history. 😀 Thanks for sharing, Tony. It looks like a very sturdy bridge. 🙂


  2. It’s a lovely old bridge full of memories.


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